2021 has been an eventful year and a phase of slowing down in all aspects. Quite happy to work on the website project and launch the same. Writing helps to organize the thoughts and knowledge one has. I find this a good consolidation ground intellectually. The content is largely from my personal experiences, learning and implementation of the knowledge acquired over a period of time in multiple projects. Looking forward to interacting with the readers and like-minded people around the world. Here it is the new website at https://aromal.net

Having a website helps me to reach out to a wider audience than whom I am able to interact daily. Through this personal website I wish to share as much knowledge as possible and build a community of like minded people who could interact among themselves and with me exchanging various views on business, digital transformation, academic research, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, process engineering and anything and everything related to business. ERverything is in a state o motion and is dynamic – The world we live in and hence the needs and hence the businesses that exist to cater the needs, customer behavior, how fundamentally products and build. Add to this complexity, the dire need for sustainability of the world we live in and and sustainable practices.

Through this personal website, I would like to cater to three types of audience, People aspiring to build a business, who are working for a business and students who would like to contribute to the world we live in. At this point they would be the torch bearers of the values for the days to come. At any point feel free to reach out and initiate a conversation and I would love to respond and interact with each one of you as much as possible.

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